Chosen And Set Apart

Colossians‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭AMP‬‬ “So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper];” ‭‭ It is important that as believers we realize Who we are […]

When Surrender Means Choosing

As we start to pull all the pieces together, we can begin to see how the many pieces of surrender all fill a need in the bigger puzzle. We start to see that what we thought was the end is really just the beginning. Our holding out on surrender is really delaying the blessings God […]

Misconceptions Of What Surrender Means

I can vaguely remember hearing the words of my childhood pastor doing what is commonly referred to in the church world as an “altar call.” Growing up in church, this sort of thing would happen just about every Sunday towards the end of a church service. What sticks out the most in my mind is […]

When Surrender Means Trusting

Surrender equals trust. Surrender means trusting God. I find that we believe we do this more than we actually do. Trusting God is really easy until He calls on you to act upon that trust. It is here where metaphorically, the rubber meets the road. Trust is the ingredient that makes doing, saying, going, and […]

When Surrender Means Saying

Surrender is never easy, at least not for me. Halting my will or my desires to submit to the will of someone else has always been difficult for me. I never like to blindly follow anyone, no matter who they may be. I remember struggling as a child to follow direction from my parents with […]

Make Room For Forgiveness

Colossians 3:13 ‘Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. ‘ At first upon reading through this verse, it was the challenge of living this out which stuck with me. As I began to take a closer look, God spoke to […]

God, Career, And Calling

This has long been a tough subject for me to grasp personally. I have always struggled to see how what I do in my day-to-day impacts the Kingdom of God. For so long, I thought only pastors or missionaries get to hold that honor. Since I was not a pastor and I certainly would not call […]

When Surrender Means Giving

I believe that surrender takes shape in several different ways. One thing is sure, if you follow Jesus long enough, God will ultimately call you to surrender through giving. Giving is not just something God does; it is a part of His character. Giving(generous) is who He is. By responding to God’s prompts to give, […]

Beyond Me

This idea that God would somehow do something in us and through us is often quite daunting for me. The thought that the God of the universe would use me to accomplish His work blows my mind! I admittedly am not perfect, so it amazes me that God would choose me, of anyone, to do […]

When Surrender Means Doing

As we pursue the truth in understanding what it means to truly surrender, God honors our hearts and will reveal himself to us. When we approach God with a heart that is willing to yield our personal will to the will of God, He will often draw us closer, typically through small but seemingly large […]